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Semiconductor devices are widely used as radiation detectors in a large variety of fields such as nuclear physics, elementary particle physics, optical, x-ray astronomy, medicine, material testing and so on. As the detector working mode is dependent not only on the adopted material and the chosen architecture, but also on the detection method, the paper reviews the various radiation types, the principles of physics in detection, the semiconductor detector operational characteristics and the semiconductor device structures.
Publication date: 
1 Jan 2007

M Rizzi, M DAloia, B Castagnolo, YK Akimov, SN Ahmed, SP Beaumont, R Bertin, CN Booth, C Buttar, L Carraresi, G Bertolini, A Coche, G Bertuccio, A Cola, F Quaranta, L Vasanelli, C Canali, A Cavallini, F Nava, ME Fantacci, A Cola, F Quaranta, MA Ciocci, ME Fantacci, G Dearnaley, E Dubari, HE Nilsson, C Frojdh, B Norlin, U Fano, PE Gibbons, P Iredale, J Millman, A Grabel, J Jakubek, A Cejnarovaa, T Holya, S Pospisila, J Uhera, Z Vykydal, J Janesick, T Elliott, F Pool, T Jevremovic, S Kim, H Lee, C Han, K Lee, S Choi, GF Knoll, M Hoheisel, A Korn, J Giersch, A Lauber, C Leroy, PG Rancoita, C Leroy, G Lutz, EM Pell, JP Ponpon, M Rizzi, V Antonicelli, B Castagnolo, M Rizzi, B Castagnolo, M Rizzi, M Maurantonio, B Castagnolo, M Rizzi, M Maurantonio, B Castagnolo, M Rizzi, M Maurantonio, B Castagnolo, M Rizzi, M Maurantonio, B Castagnolo, N Tsoulfanidis, MJ Yaffe, JA Rowlands

Biblio References: 
Volume: 10 Issue: 23 Pages: 1-28
Journal of Applied Sciences