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The Project LILIA [1](ligth ions laser induced acceleration) is an experiment now running at LNF (Frascati) with the goal of producing a real proton beam able to be driven for significant distances (50–75 cm) away from the interaction point and which will act as a source for further accelerating structures. In this paper we report the description of the experimental set-up and the very preliminary results of the laser interaction with a specific target.
Optical Society of America
Publication date: 
12 May 2013

S Agosteo, MP Anania, G Buccolieri, Marco Caresana, C De Martinis, D Delle Side, Alberto Fazzi, G Gatti, D Giove, D Giulietti, L Gizzi, L Labate, P Londrillo, V Nassisi, Andrea Pola, S Sinigardi, G Turchetti, Vincenzo Varoli, L Velardi

Biblio References: 
Pages: CG_P_18
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics